
Welcome to the Office of the Attorney General's (the "OAG") Public Information Act Electronic Filing System.

Who can use this system?

  • Governmental Bodies
    • To submit a request for a decision from the OAG under the Public Information Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 552 (the "Act") and submit new material for review; or
    • To submit supplemental documents or comments related to an existing request for a decision.
  • Interested Parties, including requestors and third parties:
    • To submit comments or materials for review by the OAG related to an existing request for a decision.

Please Note: This system cannot be used to request public information from the OAG or any other governmental body. Requests for public information must be submitted directly to the governmental body from whom you are seeking information in accordance with the Act.

Information You Need:

  • Name of Governmental Body or Interested Party
  • Governmental Body PIC ID (This is the internal tracking number assigned to a public information request by a governmental body. If you are a third party, and the governmental body has not provided the PIC to your, then create your own unique ID for your submission or use the name of the governmental body for this data field. You will need this ID number to submit supplemental materials.)
  • Texas.gov Request ID (You only need this ID number if you are submitting supplemental materials for an existing e-file submission you previously submitted.)
  • Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express) or Electronic Check information

This online service is provided by Texas.gov, the official website of Texas. The price of this service includes funds that support the ongoing operations and enhancements of Texas.gov, which is provided by a third party in partnership with the State.

Please note: You can only submit supplemental materials for an existing e-file submission that you previously submitted. If this is the first time you are submitting materials through the electronic filing system for a pending ruling, you must click “submit new materials.” If you are supplementing a previous e-file submission, click “submit supplemental materials.”

For questions about requesting a decision from the OAG or submitting materials for review by the OAG, please contact the Attorney General's Open Government Hotline at 1-877-673-6839.
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